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Dollars won

We find lawyers who have won cases like yours. So if your lawyer hasn’t made millions for their clients yet, think twice before engaging.


Years in business

The best lawyers have experience. We comb the best databases and web sources to give you accurate information about a lawyer’s experience.



Education matters in the world of law. See where potential lawyers got their degrees.


Pain and Suffering Calculator

Use this calculator as a tool to estimate settlement payouts. The victim is entitled to compensation for the physical and emotional distress they experienced

    Settlement Estimate

    Disclaimer: This calculator is an estimate and not a substitute for legal or financial advice. The value of a claim may vary based on different factors

    Find a Personal Injury Lawyer In Your Area

      How long ago did the injury occur?

      What is the status of your claim?

      What was your primary injury?

      Did you receive medical treatment for your injury?

      Have you already signed up with a law firm to help you with this case?

      Briefly describe your case

      What is the ZIP code of your home address?

      What is your name?

      What is your email and phone number?